<h1>I'm Joanne, a Full Stack Developer & UX Designer</h1>

- About Me -

My face, again!

I'm a Canadian currently based in Vancouver. Before moving here, I spent five years in Ireland working in Quality within Apple’s AIML department. That experience introduced me to the tech industry and led me to pursue a Full Stack Development Diploma with an Advanced Front-End Specialization at Code Institute. At Inkeros, I worked as a Full Stack Software Developer, playing a key role in designing and developing the company’s new platform. Now, I’m shifting my focus to UI/UX design, driven by my passion for creating user-centered interfaces.

A fox I drew!

In my free time, apart from coding, I enjoy creating illustrations, painting, journaling, listening to shoegaze/dreampop, collecting vinyl records, vintage gaming, and taking film photographs. I also like to go hiking in local spots and explore the city on weekends. Currently, I am interested in knitting, Nintendo games, film photography, and designing.

- Skills -

Logo of HTML5
Logo of CSS3
Logo of JavaScript
Logo of Bootstrap
Logo of jQuery
Logo of Python
Logo of MySQL
Logo of Postgresql
Logo of Flask
Logo of Django
Logo of Django Rest Framework
Logo of React
Logo of Git
Logo of GitHub
Logo of Figma
Logo of NodeJS

- Let's Connect -